You're Invited
to Be
Please look into your heart
and sow a seed today.
Give tithes, offerings and donations securely here.
You can use a Debit or Credit Card or PayPal.
To use a Debit or Credit Card:
1. Click the yellow Donate button, below.
2. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
3. Click the "Donate with PayPal" button.
4. Do NOT enter your email. Click the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button.
5. Fill in the rest of your information.
6. After you donate, check your email for confirmation of your donation.
To use PayPal:
1. Click the yellow Donate button, above.
2. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
3. Click the "Donate with PayPal" button.
4. Follow PayPal instructions.
6. After you donate, check your email for confirmation of your donation.
For donations and payments to Faith Christian College (FCC)
Follow these same instructions and use the Donate button, above.
Use our Contact Page to let us know that you have donated to Faith Christian College: Contact Page
or send us an email:
Thank you!
Why Donate to Our Church?
FLAVA Church is a non profit church granted 501(c)3 status from the federal government. Your donations help us support at-risk youth and families with counseling, food, clothes, shelter, and other initiatives. No amount is too small.
Whatever you sow you will reap. (Galatians 6:7)
When we give tithes and offerings, God rebukes the devourer (Satan) for us! God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out so many blessings there won't be room enough to receive them! (Malachi 3:8-12).
FLAVA Ministry is good ground to sow into. We are committed to leading people to Christ, teaching the good news of the gospel, and helping everyone we can.
May God richly bless you for your willingness to give.
Here's another way to
support the FLAVA Church:
The Kroger Community Rewards Program!
Register FLAVA Church (First Love Alive Victory Army) with your Kroger Plus Card. Kroger will donate to our church at no cost to you! To register visit or call: 800-576-4377.
Our FLAVA Church organization #: 86785.
You can support our church every time you shop at Kroger.
Praise God!