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Our Pastors:

Apostle Zorion Rinaldi III, MDiv is the founder and Senior Pastor of the First Love Alive Victory Army Church (FLAVA), and president of the Faith Christian College (FCC) in Richmond, Virginia.  With his lovely wife, Pastor Doreena Rinaldi, AAS, he offers biblical and practical teaching for the mind, body, spirit, and soul.

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Apostle Z and Pastor D have dedicated hearts for God and the sincere desire to see our communities wholistically healed.

Together, they offer sound bible-based doctrine, guidance and practical wisdom to improve the quality of our lives: spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Apostle Z is a trained family counselor. He earned his Master Degree in Theology from Virginia Union University and is working towards his doctorate.

He mentors at-risk youth and families through ministry and community initiatives, and

is the Founder of Faith Christian College (FCC) offering courses in Christian Counseling and Ecclesiastical Services.


Apostle Z 'back in the day' with gospel singer,

Fred Hammond

Apostle Z has worked as Chaplain for the Richmond Police Department (RPD) and instructor for the RPD Chaplains Academy.  A popular motivational speaker, the Apostle shares his testimony to encourage others to change their lives and step into the wonderful plans God has for each of us.




                                                              Together, Apostle Z and his wife, Pastor D,                                                                            facilitate The Good Thing Marriage Retreat for                                                                    married and engaged couples and everyone                                                                            interested in how to have an excellent marriage. 


                                                              Personalized counseling sessions are also                                                                              available.






To bring Apostle Z and Pastor D to your church

or organizational event, click here:

Exciting Offers


Or send an email to:


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 Apostle's Testimony:


As a young man involved with drugs and the street life, Apostle Z was shot at point blank range and pronounced dead-on-arrival. Through the power of God, he emerged from a comatose state a changed man, born again, full of joy and dedicated to witnessing for The Lord!



He invites you to find your joy too! For information on how to enjoy a brand new life with Christ, visit our: What is Salvation page.




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