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Minute Meditation

(Elder Florence M. Johnson)




Holy Communion:  Learn To Discern 

As a child, the ritual of Holy Communion was a mystery to me.  I liked drinking the juice and eating the wafer but had no idea what it meant.  Later I decided that Holy Communion was just one of those things people do in church, like shouting “Amen!” or bowing your head.  I had no understanding of why.


In I Corinthians 11:17-30 the Apostle Paul explains how and why we take Holy Communion.  First, to remember that Jesus died on the cross; His body broken and His blood shed, so we can all be forgiven from our sins. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us all.


Second, we take Holy Communion to proclaim, openly declare, that amazing sacrifice.


Paul also cautions us in I Corinthians 11:28-29 to examine ourselves and make sure that we are taking Communion in a worthy manner.  How?  By discerning the Lord’s Body.


When we discern the Lord’s body, we realize - fully believe - the power of Jesus Christ to save us, deliver us, heal us, protect us, preserve us and, make us whole.  Just as food and drink give us sustenance and strength, taking Holy Communion reminds us that God sustains us!  We can successfully overcome fear, worry, addictions and other adversity by believing in God’s power through Jesus Christ to change our lives.


Don’t take Holy Communion out of habit or tradition.  Discern it! Remember that Jesus died on the cross to save us.  Proclaim it boldly and realize the power that every believer has access to: the awesome, never-ending power of God

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