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Welcome to the

FLAVA Church

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First Love Alive Victory Army Church with

Apostle Zorion Rinaldi, MDiv & Pastor Doreena Rinaldi, AAS

FLAVA Church Services are virtual, online.  You can use laptop & desktop computers, tablets, cellphones and other internet devices


Our Worship Service is every Sunday at 9:00 AM.


Weekly Bible Study & Prayer is also online

Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm.


If you have never used Zoom on your device please download the Zoom App first.  It's free!


  • On computers, look for
  • For Android cell phones, look in the Play Store.
  • For iPhones, look in the Apple store.

To Log into Church Services & Bible Study:

Option 1:

For computers, laptops and other internet devices, use this link:

Our host will admit you into the service. Be sure to choose the audio and video options when you first log in.

Option 2:

Dial any of the following telephone numbers (this is for audio only):

(312) 626-6799 | (301) 715-8592 | (929) 205 6099 (346) 248-7799 | (669) 900-6833

If you are prompted, the Meeting ID is:

451 635 1815.  The Passcode is: 8D64Uk (OR) 868420

 Please be courteous. When you first log in, make sure you are muted.

During service, only one person should speak at a time.  Thank you so much.

Faith Christian College

Monday evenings at 7:00 pm.

At Faith Christian College (FCC) you can earn a degree or certificate in Theological Studies.

Classes are online.  For information and to register visit the Faith Christian College page

or send an email to:

Weekly Bible Study & Prayer: Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm

Please join us every Tuesday for in-depth Bible Study and Prayer, online. Use the login directions above or visit the

 Bible Study and Prayer page.

Take a Chance.  Make a Change.  Be the Best that you can be!

FLAVA Church (First Love Alive Victory Army) is committed to serving God and sharing the good news of the gospel.  We are an non-denominational church, not concerned with age, race, gender, financial status, age, what you wear, or where you come from.  At the FLAVA Church, it's all about love.


Come and build your knowledge, confidence and joy in Jesus Christ through worship services, prayer, bible study and classes and other services for the entire family.

Join Apostle Z, MDiv, Pastor D, AAS & the FLAVA Church family

in leading a victorious life!


First Love Alive Victory Army Church

P.O. Box 35299

N. Chesterfield, VA 23235





Our Pastors


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Our Mission Statement


Faith Christian College


Sermon Videos


Bible Study & Prayer


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Minute Meditation


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What Is Salvation?


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